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Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 49-64, oct.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-EMG-558


El paradigma de apoyos y el de calidad de vida se han transformado en guías fundamentales para los avances en el ámbito de la discapacidad intelectual (DI). Con base en una muestra de 93 personas adultas con DI, se analiza, desde un enfoque cuantitativo no experimental, la relación entre la calidad de vida y las necesidades de apoyo, aplicando la escala INICO-FEAPS y la escala de Intensidad de Apoyos (SIS) para cada constructo. Los principales resultados evidencian que existe una relación fuerte e indirecta entre calidad de vida y necesidades de apoyos, y también la relevancia de analizar dichos resultados desde variables como grado de discapacidad, sexo o nivel socioeconómico. La discusión permite inferir la necesidad de discutir nuevas estrategias en torno a categorías como el grado de discapacidad, la autodeterminación e inclusión social, como elementos facilitadores de la calidad de vida y apoyos desde un enfoque integral que contribuya al desarrollo de estrategias de programas sociales para la población con DI. (AU)

The support paradigm and the quality of life paradigm have become fundamental guides for progress in the field of Intellectual Disability (ID). Based on a sample of 93 adults with ID, the relationship between Quality of Life and Support Needs is analyzed from a non-experimental quantitative approach, applying the INICO-FEAPS scale and the SIS Support Intensity scale for each construct. The main results show that there is a strong and indirect relationship between quality of life and support needs, and the relevance of analyzing these results from variables such as the degree of disability, sex or socioeconomic level. The discussion allows us to infer the need to discuss new strategies around categories such as the degree of disability, self-determination and social inclusion, as facilitating elements of quality of life and supporting a comprehensive approach that contributes to the development of social program strategies for the population with ID. (AU)

Humanos , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Discapacidad Intelectual , Calidad de Vida , Personas con Discapacidad , Chile , Muestreo
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 49-64, oct.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-229228


El paradigma de apoyos y el de calidad de vida se han transformado en guías fundamentales para los avances en el ámbito de la discapacidad intelectual (DI). Con base en una muestra de 93 personas adultas con DI, se analiza, desde un enfoque cuantitativo no experimental, la relación entre la calidad de vida y las necesidades de apoyo, aplicando la escala INICO-FEAPS y la escala de Intensidad de Apoyos (SIS) para cada constructo. Los principales resultados evidencian que existe una relación fuerte e indirecta entre calidad de vida y necesidades de apoyos, y también la relevancia de analizar dichos resultados desde variables como grado de discapacidad, sexo o nivel socioeconómico. La discusión permite inferir la necesidad de discutir nuevas estrategias en torno a categorías como el grado de discapacidad, la autodeterminación e inclusión social, como elementos facilitadores de la calidad de vida y apoyos desde un enfoque integral que contribuya al desarrollo de estrategias de programas sociales para la población con DI. (AU)

The support paradigm and the quality of life paradigm have become fundamental guides for progress in the field of Intellectual Disability (ID). Based on a sample of 93 adults with ID, the relationship between Quality of Life and Support Needs is analyzed from a non-experimental quantitative approach, applying the INICO-FEAPS scale and the SIS Support Intensity scale for each construct. The main results show that there is a strong and indirect relationship between quality of life and support needs, and the relevance of analyzing these results from variables such as the degree of disability, sex or socioeconomic level. The discussion allows us to infer the need to discuss new strategies around categories such as the degree of disability, self-determination and social inclusion, as facilitating elements of quality of life and supporting a comprehensive approach that contributes to the development of social program strategies for the population with ID. (AU)

Humanos , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Discapacidad Intelectual , Calidad de Vida , Personas con Discapacidad , Chile , Muestreo
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38588770


OBJECTIVE: To identify the first symptoms and signs of patients with suspected infection or sepsis and their association with the composite outcome of admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or mortality. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study between June 2019 and March 2020. SETTING: Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, Colombia. PATIENTS: Over 18 years of age with suspicion or confirmation of sepsis, which required hospitalization. INTERVENTIONS: None. MAIN VARIABLES OF INTEREST: Symptoms and signs associated with infection, with their time of evolution, specified in the study. RESULTS: From 1005 eligible patients, 261 were included. After multivariable adjustment with a logistic regression model, the main factors for ICU admission or mortality were heart rate (OR 1.04 with 95% CI 1.04-3.7), respiratory rate (OR 1.19 with 95% CI 1.0-1.4) and capillary refill time (OR 3.4 with 95% CI 1.9-6.1). CONCLUSIONS: Heart rate, respiratory rate, and capillary refill may behave as early predictors of ICU admission and mortality in cases of sepsis.

Psicol. conduct ; 32(1): 165-180, Abr 1, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-232227


El temperamento difícil es un conjunto de características conductuales asociadas a la salud mental y un predictor significativo de psicopatología. El objetivo de este estudio era investigar qué características temperamentales pueden considerarse atributos del temperamento difícil en adultos lituanos. La muestra consistió en 429 adultos de entre 18 y 79 años de edad. Se utilizó el “Cuestionario de temperamento adulto” para evaluar las características temperamentales y el temperamento difícil percibido. Los datos se analizaron mediante un enfoque de métodos mixtos. Los resultados mostraron que el conjunto de atributos percibidos como constitutivos del temperamento difícil incluye características como el estado de ánimo negativo, la intensidad de las reacciones emocionales, la baja adaptabilidad, el retraimiento y la baja regularidad. El análisis de los datos cuantitativos reveló una inesperada relación negativa entre el temperamento difícil percibido y la característica de ritmicidad, mientras que en los datos cualitativos surgió una nueva categoría de terquedad. Estos hallazgos aportan nuevos conocimientos tanto sobre las especificidades culturales del temperamento difícil como sobre el contenido del constructo temperamento en general. Estos resultados también pueden ayudar en el desarrollo de nuevas investigaciones sobre el temperamento difícil, así como en la planificación de intervenciones de salud mental y asesoramiento psicológico.(AU)

Difficult temperament is a set of behavioral characteristics that areassociated with mental health and a significant predictor of psychopathology.This study aims to investigate which temperamental characteristics can beconsidered attributes of difficult temperament in Lithuanian adults. The sampleconsisted of 429 adults between 18 and 79 years of age. The Adult TemperamentQuestionnaire was used to assess temperamental characteristics and perceiveddifficult temperament. Data were analyzed using a mixed-methods approach. Theresults revealed that the set of attributes perceived as constituting difficulttemperament includes characteristics such as negative mood, intensity ofemotional reactions, low adaptability, withdrawal, and low regularity.Quantitative data analysis uncovered an unexpected negative relationshipbetween perceived difficult temperament and the rhythmicity characteristic, whilea new category of stubbornness emerged in the qualitative data. The findingsprovide new knowledge about both the cultural specifics of difficult temperamentand the content of the temperament construct in general. These results can alsoaid in the development of further research on difficult temperament, as well as inthe planning of mental health interventions and psychological counseling.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Conducta , Temperamento , Temperamento/clasificación , Salud Mental , Psicopatología
Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 281-296, Abr 10, 2024.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232329


Introducción: Los jóvenes universitarios están expuestos acambios y transiciones que marcarán su salud en la adultez.Sus decisiones se traducen en comportamientos que puedenser saludables o no, y dependen del significado de saludque se construye de conocimientos adquiridos, tradicioneso costumbres culturales.Objetivo: Comprender la influencia que tiene la culturauniversitaria en la construcción del significado y prácticasde salud en estudiantes de pregrado de una sede, en unauniversidad privada en Colombia.Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, tipo etnografía. Participaron15 estudiantes, 11 profesores y profesionales de BienestarUniversitario. Se aplicó una entrevista semiestructuradavirtual, se procesaron los datos, y se sometieron a auditoría.Resultados: El significado de salud responde a una perspectivaindividual y biopsicosocial; existe una fuerte influencia delentorno cercano y universitario en la significación y lasprácticas de salud. Los hallazgos tienen similitud con otrosestudios del ámbito internacional.Conclusiones: Se logró comprender la alta importanciaque se da a la salud, entendiéndola principalmente comoausencia de enfermedad, reflejada en creencias, valores yprácticas. Se proponen unos retos, necesarios enfrentar, parahacer a las universidades promotoras del concepto amplioy renovado de la salud.(AU)

Introduction: Young university students are exposedto changes and transitions that will influence theirhealth in adulthood. Their decisions translate intobehaviors that may or may not be healthy and aredependent on their meaning of health that is built uponacquired knowledge, traditions, or cultural customs.The objective of this study is to understand howuniversity cul-ture influences undergraduate studentsin establishing health practices and the meaning ofhealth at a private university in Colombia.Methodology: In this ethnographic, qualitative study, 15students, 11 professors, and UW (University Wellfare)professionals were included. A virtual semi-structuredinterview was used and data were coded and audited.Results: The results show the meaning of health dependson individual and biopsychosocial perspectives; thereis a strong influence of the immediate environment,such as family and university on the meaning andpractices of health. The findings are similar to otherinternational studies.Conclusions: It was possible to understand the highimportance given to health, which is mainly under-stood as the absence of disease, reflected in beliefs,values and practices. Some necessary challenges areproposed to be faced to make universities promotersof the broad and renewed concept of health.(AU)

Introdução: Jovens universitários estão expostos amudanças e transições que influenciarão sua saúdena vida adulta. Suas decisões se traduzem emcomportamentos que podem ou não ser saudáveise dependem de seu significado de saúde construídoa partir de conhecimentos adquiridos, tradições oucostumes culturais.Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é compreender comoa cultura universitária influencia os estudantes degraduação no estabelecimento de práticas de saúde eo significado de saúde em uma universidade privadana Colômbia.Metodologia: Neste estudo etnográfico, qualitativo,foram incluídos 15 alunos, 11 professores e profissionaisda UW (University Wellfare). Foi utilizada umaentrevista virtual semiestruturada e os dados foramcodificados e auditados.Resultados: Os resultados mostram que o significadode saúde depende de perspectivas individuais ebiopsicossociais; há forte influência do ambienteimediato e universitário no significado e nas práticasde saúde. Os resultados são semelhantes a outrosestudos internacionais.Conclusões: Foi possível compreender a elevadaimportância dada à saúde, entendendo-a principalmentecomo ausência de doença, refletida em crenças, valorese práticas. Propõem-se alguns desafios necessáriosa serem enfrentados para tornar as universidadespromotoras do conceito amplo e renovado de saúde.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Salud del Estudiante , Estilo de Vida Saludable , Cultura , Estudiantes , Enfermería , Colombia , Investigación Cualitativa , Antropología Cultural
An. psicol ; 40(1): 31-37, Ene-Abri, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-229024


Background/Objective: The Dark Future Scale (DFS) is a self-report instrument which assesses the tendency to think about the future with anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. Although it has been applied in different populations, instrumental studies are scarce, and there is no validated Spanish version. The aim was therefore to develop a Spanish version of the scale (DFS-S) and to analyze its psychometric properties in a sample of young adults. Method: Participants were 1,019 individuals aged from 18 to 24 years. They completed the DFS-S and the IPIP-BFM-20. Validity evidence based on the internal structure, including measurement invariance across gender, as well as on relationships with personality traits was obtained. Reliability and gender differences in DFS-S scores were also examined. Results: Results supported a single-factor structure, χ2(5) = 10.79, CFI = .999, RMSEA = .034, SRMR = .016, that was invariant across gender. Reliability of test scores was satisfactory (ω = .92). In the correlation analysis, future anxiety showed a strong positive correlation with neuroticism (.42) and a moderate negative correlation with extraversion (-.25). Females scored higher than males on future anxiety. Conclusions: The DFS-S has satisfactory psychometric properties and it is an adequate tool for measuring future anxiety among young adults.(AU)

Antecedentes/Objetivo: La Dark Future Scale (DFS) evalúa la ten-dencia a pensar en el futuro con ansiedad, miedo e incertidumbre. Aunque ha sido usadaen diferentes poblaciones, los estudios instrumentales son es-casos y no hay una versión adaptada al español. El objetivo del estudio fue adaptarla al español (DFS-S) y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra de adultos jóvenes. Método:Participaron 1.019 jóvenes entre 18 y 24 años. Completaron la DFS-S y el IPIP-BFM-20. Se analizan evidencias de validez basadas en la estructura interna, incluyendo la invarianza de me-dida según el género, y basadas en las relaciones con rasgos de personali-dad, así como análisis de la fiabilidad y de las diferencias de género. Resulta-dos:Los resultados apoyaron una estructura de un solo factor, χ2(5) = 10.79, CFI = .999, RMSEA = .034, SRMR = .016, con invarianza respecto al gé-nero, y con coeficiente de fiabilidad satisfactorio (ω= .92). Se encontró co-rrelación positiva fuerte entre ansiedad futura y neuroticismo (.42) y una correlación negativa moderada con extraversión (-.25). Las puntuaciones en ansiedad futura fueron mayores en las mujeres. Conclusiones:Los resultados muestran propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias delaDFS-S, siendo un instrumento adecuado para medir la ansiedad futura en adultos jóvenes.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Escala de Ansiedad ante Pruebas , Psicometría , Incertidumbre , Miedo , España , Salud Mental , Ansiedad , Psicología , Psicología Social
Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 59(4): 101485, 2024 Mar 21.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38518548


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Understanding the domains of healthy aging (HA) through the perceptions of older adults is important for the multidimensional determination of the construct according to the culture of Peru and for the development of plans that promote the health, well-being, resources and strengths of older adults. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively explore the operational domains of HA in Peruvian older adults. METHOD: The approach adopted was fundamental qualitative descriptive. A purposive sampling was used and 26 participants attending senior centers belonging to the municipal commune of Lima were recruited (Medad=67.9; SD=6.64). Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the content analysis was carried out using an inductive method identifying the units of meaning of the HA. RESULTS: The content analysis showed 11 sub-themes and 4 main themes. The identified themes were as follows: "functional health", "psychological well-being", "active engagement with life" and "religion". Given this, the results demonstrate the multidimensionality of HA in Peruvian older adults. CONCLUSION: The operational domains of HA indicate the importance of individual perceptions considering functional health, psychological well-being, active engagement with life, and religion. This perspective supports the multidimensional concept of HA. This can be implemented as a guide for government entities working with PAMs. In addition, to formulate new public policies focusing on the domains of HA.

Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38490640


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Obesity is a public health concern with a strong impact on the health of the population. The aim of this study was to analyze the trend in the prevalence of obesity and to identify changes in this trend in Spain and its 17 autonomous communities (AC) among the population aged ≥ 15 years from 1987 to 2020. METHODS: A trend analysis of the prevalence of obesity was conducted with data extracted from the complete historical series of the Spanish National Health Survey and the European Health Survey in Spain using joinpoint regression models. For each period identified in the trend analysis, we estimated the annual percentage change (APC) and its 95% confidence interval (95%CI). The results are presented for crude and standardized prevalences by the direct method accompanied by 95%CI, sex ratios, and relative changes in prevalences between periods. RESULTS: The prevalence of obesity increased from 7.3% (95%CI, 7.0-7.7) in 1987 to 15.7% (95%CI, 15.1-16.3) in 2020. In men, the prevalence increased until 2009 (APC,4.3; [95%CI, 3.8-5.0]) and then stabilized. In women, the prevalence increased until 2001 (APC,4.2; [95%CI, 2.7-8.8]) and subsequently also stabilized. The prevalence of obesity and its trend varied between AC, with three different patterns being observed with standardized prevalences: AC with a continuous increase, AC with an increase and subsequent stabilization, and AC with an increase and subsequent decrease. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of obesity has increased in Spain since 1987, although in the last decade it has remained stable at values above 15%. However, in the group aged 15 to 24 years, the prevalence of obesity showed an increasing trend throughout the study period.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38346493


INTRODUCTION: The contribution of genetic causes to sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in adults is less clear than in children, and genetic diagnosis is still not standardized in adults. In this study we present the genetic results obtained in a cohort of adult patients with SNHL. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We included 63 adults with SNHL that received genetic testing between 2019 and 2022. Whole exome sequencing was performed and variants in genes related to hearing loss (virtual panel with 244 genes) were prioritised and analysed. RESULTS: 24% (15/63) of patients were genetically diagnosed: 87% (13/15) of patients had non-syndromic hearing loss and 13% (2/15) had syndromic hearing loss. We identified pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants in 11 different genes. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that a significant proportion of adults with SNHL have a genetic origin, and that implementation of genetic testing improves diagnostic accuracy and allows personalized management of these patients.

Rev. esp. geriatr. gerontol. (Ed. impr.) ; 59(1): [101431], ene.-feb. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-EMG-481


Introducción El delirium es la complicación perioperatoria más frecuente en el adulto mayor con fractura de cadera (FC) conllevando un impacto catastrófico en su recuperación funcional y su estado cognitivo. Actualmente se desconoce la prevalencia real de este síndrome ya que no está protocolizada su detección y abordaje en la práctica clínica habitual. Métodos Se realizará un estudio observacional multicéntrico de tipo transversal a nivel nacional en el que participarán distintas unidades de ortogeriatría de España. Se evaluará la prevalencia de delirium con la escala 4AT, así como las características de este y su relación con otros síndromes geriátricos, variables sociodemográficas, características de la cirugía y parámetros analíticos. Resultados La recogida de datos se llevará a cabo el próximo día mundial del delirium (miércoles 13 de marzo de 2024), por lo que los resultados se esperan durante el segundo o tercer trimestre del año 2024. Conclusiones Conocer la prevalencia real y las características del delirium en mayores con FC podría contribuir a sensibilizar en la detección sistemática, la prevención y el abordaje protocolizado del delirium en servicios quirúrgicos, disminuyendo el impacto de sus consecuencias. (AU)

Introduction Delirium is the most common perioperative complication in older adults with hip fracture (HF), leading to a catastrophic impact on their functional recovery and cognitive status. Currently, the true prevalence of this syndrome is unknown as its detection and management are not standardized in clinical practice. Methods A multicenter observational cross-sectional study will be conducted nationwide, involving different orthogeriatric units in Spain. The prevalence of delirium will be assessed using the 4AT scale, along with its characteristics and its relationship with other geriatric syndromes, sociodemographic variables, surgical characteristics, and laboratory parameters. Results Data collection is scheduled to take place on World Delirium Day (Wednesday, March 13, 2024), and therefore, the results are expected during the second or third quarter of 2024. Conclusions Understanding the real prevalence and characteristics of delirium in older adults with HF could contribute to the development of strategies for its detection and management, reducing the impact of its consequences. (AU)

Humanos , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Trastornos Neurocognitivos , Delirio , Fracturas de Cadera/complicaciones , Estudios Transversales , Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo , España
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 152-162, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-230895


Introducción: los hábitos de alimentación constituyen uno de los factores predictores de salud principales dentro de los estilos de vida adqui-ridos. La evaluación de dichos hábitos va a ser fundamental para poder reafirmar las conductas saludables y reorientar aquellos hábitos quesupongan un riesgo.Objetivos: evaluar el hábito de alimentación dentro del estilo de vida saludable adquirido en adultos españoles de 22 a 72 años de edad.Métodos: a una muestra de 788 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los 22 y los 72 años de edad se aplicó la Escala de Valoración delEstilo de Vida Saludable Adquirido (E-VEVSA), formada por 52 ítems y estructurada en siete dimensiones, entre las cuales se evaluó el hábitode alimentación saludable, que explicó una varianza de 8,67 % sobre el total de la escala (66,87 %) y un alfa de Cronbach de 0,794 para unalfa total de 0,894.Resultados: el 16 % de los adultos encuestados posee hábitos de alimentación saludables; el 68,3 %, tendente hacia la salud; y el 15,7 %, pocosaludables. Las pruebas de χ2 de Pearson muestran una asociación positiva y significativa de las mujeres con hábitos saludables de alimentacióny una mejora significativa con el transcurso de la edad. Los datos inferenciales (pruebas t de Student y ANOVA de un factor) confirman estasdiferencias en función del sexo y la edad.Conclusiones: es necesario promover programas preventivos para la mejora de los hábitos de alimentación en la población adulta, sobre todo,en el 15,7 % que posee un nivel poco saludable de la alimentación en su estilo de vida.(AU)

Introduction: eating habits are one of the main predictors of health within a person lifestyle. The assessment of these habits will be essentialto confirm health-related habits and orientate behaviors of risk for health.Objectives: to assess the eating habits within the health-related lifestyle among Spanish adults from 22 to 72 years of age.Methods: the Health-Related Lifestyle Assessment Scale (E-VEVSA) was applied to a sample of 788 subjects between the ages of 22 and 72.This scale is made up of 52 items and structured in seven dimensions, among which the healthy eating habit was evaluated, which explained avariance of 8.67 % of the total scale (66.87 %) and a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.794 for a total alpha of 0.894.Results: sixteen percent of the adults surveyed have healthy eating habits, 68.3 % tend towards health and 15.7 % are unhealthy. Pearson’sχ2 tests show a positive and significant association of women with healthy eating habits and a significant improvement with age. The inferentialdata (Student’s t-tests and one-factor ANOVA) confirm these differences according to gender and age.Conclusions: it is necessary to promote preventive programs to improve eating habits in the adult population, especially in the 15.7 % that havean unhealthy level of nutrition in their lifestyle.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Estilo de Vida Saludable , Conducta Alimentaria , Estado Nutricional , Salud , Ciencias de la Nutrición , España
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20240223. 125 p.
Tesis en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1531954


Introducción: El 50% de la población mundial usa tratamientos alternativos como productos herbarios. El 20% los consume de manera simultánea con algún tratamiento farmacológico para el control la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2; enfermedad prevalente en adultos mayores. Es escasa la información acerca de las interacciones medicamentosas que pudieran producirse, siendo responsables de más de 7,000 muertes al año. Objetivo: Identificar los productos herbarios de mayor consumo del Adulto Mayor con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, en Chapulco, Puebla, México y describir las posibles interacciones medicamentosas entre fármaco hipoglucemiante ­ producto herbario reportados en la literatura científica. Metodología: Estudio observacional, prolectivo, transversal, descriptivo, en una población de 35 adultos mayores diabéticos, con edad promedio de 70±7 años. Para la identificación de los productos herbarios de uso común y sus aplicaciones terapéuticas se aplicó el cuestionario U-PLANMED. Resultados: Se identificaron 50 productos herbarios y 18 combinaciones entre estos a la vez. El 40% de los participantes consumen simultáneamente más de dos productos herbarios con uno o dos fármacos hipoglucemiantes. Entre los productos de mayor consumo se encuentran el nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), la manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla L.) y el zacate de limón (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). Las interacciones medicamentosas potenciales identificadas, principalmente en estudios experimentales en animales, sugieren que, existe una acción hipoglucemiante del producto herbario al aumentar la capacidad orgánica sobre la secreción/liberación de insulina endógena. Conclusiones: Se ha evidenciado la presencia de interacciones medicamentosas ante el consumo simultaneo de fármacos prescritos para el control de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con productos herbarios. Es necesario que, los profesionales en atención a la salud identifiquen el uso de dichos productos y orienten a los adultos mayores sobre las posibles repercusiones en los niveles de glucosa ante el consumo.

Introduction: 50% of the world's population uses alternative treatments such as herbal products. Twenty percent use them in conjunction with some form of pharmacological treatment to control type 2 diabetes mellitus, a disease prevalent in older adults. There is little information on the drug interactions that may occur, which are responsible for more than 7,000 deaths per year. Objective: To identify the most consumed herbal products among older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Chapulco, Puebla, Mexico, and to describe the possible drug-drug interactions between hypoglycemic drugs and herbal products reported in the scientific literature. Methodology: Observational, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study in a population of 35 diabetic older adults with a mean age of 70±7 years. The U-PLANMED questionnaire was used to identify commonly used herbal products and their therapeutic applications. Results: Fifty herbal products and 18 combinations of them were identified. Forty percent of the participants used more than two herbal products simultaneously with one or two hypoglycemic drugs. The most used products included prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.), and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). Potential drug-drug interactions identified mainly in experimental animal studies suggest that there is a hypoglycemic effect of the herbal product by increasing the organic capacity on endogenous insulin secretion/release. Conclusions: The presence of drug-drug interactions has been demonstrated with the simultaneous consumption of drugs prescribed for the control of type 2 diabetes mellitus with herbal products. It is necessary for health care professionals to recognize the use of such products and to inform older adults about the possible repercussions on glucose levels when consuming them.

Introdução: 50% da população mundial utiliza tratamentos alternativos como os produtos à base de plantas. Vinte por cento utilizam-nos em conjunto com algum tipo de tratamento farmacológico para controlar a diabetes mellitus tipo 2, uma doença prevalente em adultos mais velhos. Há pouca informação sobre as interacções medicamentosas que podem ocorrer e que são responsáveis por mais de 7.000 mortes por ano. Objetivos: Identificar os produtos fitoterápicos mais consumidos entre os idosos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 em Chapulco, Puebla, México, e descrever as possíveis interações medicamentosas entre medicamentos hipoglicemiantes e produtos fitoterápicos relatados na literatura científica. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, prospetivo, transversal e descritivo numa população de 35 idosos diabéticos com uma idade média de 70±7 anos. O questionário U-PLANMED foi utilizado para identificar os produtos fitoterápicos mais utilizados e suas aplicações terapêuticas. Resultados: Foram identificados 50 produtos à base de plantas e 18 combinações dos mesmos. Quarenta por cento dos participantes utilizaram mais de dois produtos à base de plantas em simultâneo com um ou dois medicamentos hipoglicemiantes. Os produtos mais utilizados foram o cato de figo da Índia (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), a camomila (Matricaria chamomilla L.) e o capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). As potenciais interacções medicamentosas identificadas principalmente em estudos experimentais em animais sugerem que existe um efeito hipoglicémico do produto à base de plantas através do aumento da capacidade orgânica na secreção/libertação de insulina endógena. Conclusões: A presença de interacções medicamentosas foi demonstrada com o consumo simultâneo de medicamentos prescritos para o controlo da diabetes mellitus tipo 2 com produtos à base de plantas. É necessário que os profissionais de saúde reconheçam o uso de tais produtos e informem os idosos sobre as possíveis repercussões nos níveis de glicose ao consumi-los.

Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus
Med Clin (Barc) ; 2024 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38342706


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Some studies have shown that influenza vaccination is associated with a lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection; in patients with COVID-19 infection, admission to intensive care is reduced, with less need for mechanical ventilation, shorter hospital stays, and reduced mortality. This study aimed to determine if a history of annual influenza vaccination impacts the clinical course of SARS-CoV-2 infection during hospitalization. METHODS: This was an observational, prospective, cohort study of patients older than 65 admitted to the COVID-19 unit from January to June 2021. The history of influenza vaccination over the last 5 years was assessed in each patient during hospitalization. We measured the length of hospital stay, the need for admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), the patient's oxygen requirements, complications during hospitalization, and outcome (medical discharge or death). Patients with a history of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 were not included. RESULTS: We analyzed 125 patients, 50.4% (n=63) with history of influenza vaccination and 49.6% (n=62) without a history of influenza vaccination. In-hospital mortality was 44.8%, higher in the unvaccinated (54.8%) population (p=0.008). ICU admission was 27% higher in vaccinated (35%) patients (p=0.05). Patients without a history of influenza vaccination had a higher prevalence of cardiac (8% vs. 5%, p=0.04) and renal complications (29% vs. 13%, p=0.02). Patients with a history of vaccination had a greater need for invasive mechanical ventilation (25.4%, p=0.02). CONCLUSION: In this study, a history of influenza vaccination in older adults with SARS-CoV-2 infection was related to lower in-hospital mortality.

Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 59(4): 101477, 2024 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38422925


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the adaptation of older adults, to online learning and artificial intelligence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 210 older adults (109 women; 101 men) aged 65 and over, were included. Hodkinson Mental Test, Online Learning Readiness Scale (OLRS) and Artificial Intelligence Anxiety Scale (AIAS) were used in evaluation. Older adults with 6 score and above in Hodkinson Mental Test, in which their cognitive level was evaluated, were included. Older adults were stratified according to their gender and age (Group I: 65-70 years; Group II: 71-75 years; Group III: 76 years and over). RESULTS: In comparison analysis between age groups, there was a significant difference in the total score and all subdimensions of OLRS in favor of Group I (p<0.05), and in the total score and all subdimensions of AIAS (p<0.05). When analyzed according to gender, "The computer/Internet self-efficacy" subdimension of OLRS was significantly higher in male older adults (p<0.05). "Learning" subdimension of AIAS was significantly higher in female older adults (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: With increasing age in older adults, the readiness for online learning decreases and the level of artificial intelligence anxiety increases. There is no difference between male and female older adults in the readiness for online learning and artificial intelligence anxiety levels, and it is moderate in both genders. In this context, we think that information about online and artificial intelligence applications for older adults would be beneficial.

Rev. esp. geriatr. gerontol. (Ed. impr.) ; 59(1): [101431], ene.-feb. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-229863


Introducción El delirium es la complicación perioperatoria más frecuente en el adulto mayor con fractura de cadera (FC) conllevando un impacto catastrófico en su recuperación funcional y su estado cognitivo. Actualmente se desconoce la prevalencia real de este síndrome ya que no está protocolizada su detección y abordaje en la práctica clínica habitual. Métodos Se realizará un estudio observacional multicéntrico de tipo transversal a nivel nacional en el que participarán distintas unidades de ortogeriatría de España. Se evaluará la prevalencia de delirium con la escala 4AT, así como las características de este y su relación con otros síndromes geriátricos, variables sociodemográficas, características de la cirugía y parámetros analíticos. Resultados La recogida de datos se llevará a cabo el próximo día mundial del delirium (miércoles 13 de marzo de 2024), por lo que los resultados se esperan durante el segundo o tercer trimestre del año 2024. Conclusiones Conocer la prevalencia real y las características del delirium en mayores con FC podría contribuir a sensibilizar en la detección sistemática, la prevención y el abordaje protocolizado del delirium en servicios quirúrgicos, disminuyendo el impacto de sus consecuencias. (AU)

Introduction Delirium is the most common perioperative complication in older adults with hip fracture (HF), leading to a catastrophic impact on their functional recovery and cognitive status. Currently, the true prevalence of this syndrome is unknown as its detection and management are not standardized in clinical practice. Methods A multicenter observational cross-sectional study will be conducted nationwide, involving different orthogeriatric units in Spain. The prevalence of delirium will be assessed using the 4AT scale, along with its characteristics and its relationship with other geriatric syndromes, sociodemographic variables, surgical characteristics, and laboratory parameters. Results Data collection is scheduled to take place on World Delirium Day (Wednesday, March 13, 2024), and therefore, the results are expected during the second or third quarter of 2024. Conclusions Understanding the real prevalence and characteristics of delirium in older adults with HF could contribute to the development of strategies for its detection and management, reducing the impact of its consequences. (AU)

Humanos , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Trastornos Neurocognitivos , Delirio , Fracturas de Cadera/complicaciones , Estudios Transversales , Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo , España
Interv. psicosoc. (Internet) ; 33(1): 15-27, Ene. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-229636


Objective: This study analyzes whether parental strictness, which is shared by authoritative parenting (strictness and warmth) and authoritarian parenting (strictness without warmth) styles, always acts as a main protective factor against drug use and psychosocial maladjustment in children. This conclusion has already been stated in numerous classic studies, though emergent research suggests that there are benefits to parental warmth regardless of whether strictness is present or not. Method: Sample were 2,095 Spanish participants (1,227 females, 58.6%), 581 adolescent children (aged 12-18 years, 27.7%) and 1,514 adult children (72.3%). The measures were the main parenting style dimensions (warmth and strictness), drug use, and a set of indicators of psychosocial adjustment. A 4 × 2 × 4 MANOVA was applied for all outcomes with parenting style, sex, and age as independent variables. Results: Indulgent parenting (warmth without strictness) was related to less drug use than parenting without warmth (authoritarian and neglectful). Additionally, indulgent and authoritative parenting styles were related to better scores on psychosocial adjustment than authoritarian and neglectful styles, although the indulgent parenting was the only style related to the optimal scores being equal or even more effective than the authoritative style. Conclusion: Contrary to classical studies, present findings suggest that it is the parental warmth instead of the parental strictness that seems to be effective in protecting against drug use and psychosocial maladjustment.(AU)

Objetivo: En este estudio se analiza si, como asumen numerosos estudios clásicos, el componente de severidad que comparte el estilo parental autorizativo (severidad y afecto) con el estilo autoritario (severidad sin afecto) actúan siempre como el principal factor protector del consumo de drogas y el desajuste psicosocial de los hijos. Sin embargo, la investigación emergente sugiere los beneficios del afecto parental independientemente de la severidad. Método: Los participantes fueron 2,095 hijos españoles (1,227 mujeres, 58.6%), 581 adolescentes (de 12 a 18 años, 27.7%) y 1,514 adultos (72.3%). Las medidas fueron de las principales dimensiones del estilo parental (afecto y severidad), del consumo de drogas y un conjunto de indicadores del ajuste psicosocial. Se aplicó un MANOVA 4 × 2 × 4 con todos los criterios evaluados analizando el estilo parental, el sexo y la edad como variables independientes. Resultados: El estilo indulgente (afecto sin severidad) se relacionó con un menor consumo de drogas que los estilos sin afecto (autoritario y negligente). Además, los estilos indulgente y autorizativo se relacionaron con mejores puntuaciones en ajuste psicosocial, aunque el indulgente fue el único estilo relacionado con las puntuaciones óptimas siendo igual o incluso más eficaz que el estilo autorizativo. Conclusión: A diferencia de los estudios clásicos, los presentes resultados sugieren que el afecto parental, en vez de la severidad, parece ser eficaz como protección frente al consumo de drogas y el desajuste psicosocial.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Conducta del Adolescente , Psicología del Adolescente , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Responsabilidad Parental , Familia , Drogas Ilícitas , Psicología , Sistemas de Apoyo Psicosocial , Salud de la Familia , Violencia Doméstica , Conflicto Familiar , Consumo de Alcohol en Menores
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 81-98, 20240131.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537667


A expectativa de vida das pessoas com doença falciforme (DF) é baixa, e o agravamento da condição de saúde é frequente, gerando incapacidades. Todavia, pouco é conhecido sobre tais incapacidades com base na Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi descrever as incapacidades de adultos com DF. Realizou-se um estudo transversal descritivo, com 60 adultos com DF, de ambos os sexos. Informações sociodemográficas, fatores clínicos relacionados ao tipo de DF foram autorreferidos pelos participantes. As incapacidades foram avaliadas por meio da Escala de Avaliação de Incapacidade da Organização Mundial da Saúde (WHODAS 2.0) nos seguintes domínios: cognição, mobilidade, autocuidado, relações interpessoais (convivência com as pessoas), atividades de vida e participação na sociedade. Em cada domínio, foi definida incapacidade quando o sujeito relatou dificuldade leve, moderada, grave ou extrema de desempenhar a tarefa. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva (frequências relativas). Os resultados mostraram valores elevados em todos os domínios avaliados, com destaque para dificuldades de concentração (90%) e desempenho nas tarefas domésticas (93,3%) e impacto da situação de saúde nas finanças do sujeito/família (96,7%). Os dados deste estudo mostraram que adultos com DF apresentam elevados índices de incapacidade, especialmente no domínio cognitivo, nas atividades de vida e na participação social.

Life expectancy of people living with sickle cell disease (SCD) is in general low and the worsening of their health condition is frequent, resulting in disabilities. However, knowledge about those disabilities based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is scarce. Thus, this study aimed to describe the disabilities of adults with SCD. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with 60 adults with SCD of both sexes. Sociodemographic and clinical factors related to the type of SCD were self-reported by the participants. Disabilities were assessed by the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0), in the following domains: cognition, mobility, selfcare, getting along with people, life activities, and participation in society. In each domain, disability was defined when the participant self-reported light, moderate, severe, extreme difficulty, or inability to perform the task. Data analysis included descriptive statistics (relative frequencies). The results showed high values in all domains evaluated, with emphasis on difficulties on concentrating (90%) and performing household chores (93.3%) and on the impact of health condition on subject/family's financial situation (96.7%). The data from this study shows that adults with SCD present high disability levels, especially on the cognitive domain, on life activities, and on social participation.

Las personas con enfermedad de células falciformes (ECF) tienen una baja esperanza de vida, y el empeoramiento de su estado de salud es frecuente, generando discapacidades. Sin embargo, estas discapacidades son poco conocidas según la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud (CIF). El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las discapacidades de adultos con ECF . Se realizó un estudio transversal, descriptivo, con 60 adultos con ECF, de ambos sexos. Los factores sociodemográficos y clínicos relacionados con el tipo de ECF fueron autoinformados. Las discapacidades se evaluaron mediante la Escala de Evaluación de la Discapacidad de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (WHODAS 2.0), en los dominios de cognición, movilidad, autocuidado, convivencia con personas, actividades de la vida y participación en la sociedad. La discapacidad se definió mediante un reporte de dificultad o incapacidad leve, moderada, grave, extrema del individuo para realizar una tarea. Los datos fueron analizados por estadística descriptiva (frecuencias relativas). Los resultados mostraron altos valores de discapacidad en todos los dominios evaluados, con énfasis en las dificultades de concentración (90%), el desempeño en las tareas domésticas (93,3%) y el impacto de la situación de salud en las finanzas del sujeto/familia (96,7%). Los datos de este estudio mostraron que los adultos con ECF tienen altas tasas de discapacidad, especialmente en los dominios cognitivo, actividades de la vida y participación social.

Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2299618, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38258813


Objective: There is a lack of research on complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) in older individuals, with little known about the temporal course of CPTSD. Therefore, this study assessed and compared the demographic characteristics, adverse childhood experiences (ACE), and well-being of Swiss older adults with and without probable CPTSD. The (in-)stability of probable CPTSD was also examined in relation to the predictive value of various emotion-related factors.Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted in Switzerland with N = 213 participants (Mage = 69.98 years, SD = 10.61; 45.5% female). Data was collected via face-to-face assessments at baseline and follow-up, 21 months apart. The German version of the International Trauma Questionnaire was used to screen for (C)PTSD. Standardized instruments were used to assess ACE as well as the predictors anger, embitterment, emotion regulation, and meaning in life.Results: From the total sample, n = 16 participants (7.5%) were identified as having probable CPTSD, with only five of these (31.25%) having probable CPTSD at both baseline and follow-up. Individuals with and without probable CPTSD differed significantly regarding age and employment status. Significant predictors of probable CPTSD were anger (ß = 0.16), embitterment (ß = 0.06), cognitive reappraisal (ß = -0.41), and the presence of meaning in life (ß = -0.10).Conclusions: Probable CPTSD appears to be relatively unstable over the course of a 21-month period in older individuals. The links between CPTSD and emotion-related predictors highlight potential targets for intervention.

KEY FINDINGS: Older adults with and without probable CPTSD differ in terms of age, employment status, adverse childhood experiences, psychiatric comorbidities, well-being, and life satisfaction.Temporal (in-)stability: In older adults, probable CPTSD appears to be unstable over a 21-month period with around one-third of the participants showing a stable course.Treatment targets: The identified significant predictors anger, embitterment, cognitive reappraisal, and the presence of meaning in life beliefs are potential treatment targets.

Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Humanos , Femenino , Anciano , Masculino , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/epidemiología , Suiza/epidemiología , Estudios Longitudinales , Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades , Emociones
Nutr Hosp ; 41(1): 152-162, 2024 Feb 15.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38047428


Introduction: Introduction: eating habits are one of the main predictors of health within a person lifestyle. The assessment of these habits will be essential to confirm health-related habits and orientate behaviors of risk for health. Objectives: to assess the eating habits within the health-related lifestyle among Spanish adults from 22 to 72 years of age. Methods: the Health-Related Lifestyle Assessment Scale (E-VEVSA) was applied to a sample of 788 subjects between the ages of 22 and 72. This scale is made up of 52 items and structured in seven dimensions, among which the healthy eating habit was evaluated, which explained a variance of 8.67 % of the total scale (66.87 %) and a Cronbach's alpha of 0.794 for a total alpha of 0.894. Results: sixteen percent of the adults surveyed have healthy eating habits, 68.3 % tend towards health and 15.7 % are unhealthy. Pearson's 2 tests show a positive and significant association of women with healthy eating habits and a significant improvement with age. The inferential data (Student's t-tests and one-factor ANOVA) confirm these differences according to gender and age. Conclusions: it is necessary to promote preventive programs to improve eating habits in the adult population, especially in the 15.7 % that have an unhealthy level of nutrition in their lifestyle.

Introducción: Introducción: los hábitos de alimentación constituyen uno de los factores predictores de salud principales dentro de los estilos de vida adquiridos. La evaluación de dichos hábitos va a ser fundamental para poder reafirmar las conductas saludables y reorientar aquellos hábitos que supongan un riesgo. Objetivos: evaluar el hábito de alimentación dentro del estilo de vida saludable adquirido en adultos españoles de 22 a 72 años de edad. Métodos: a una muestra de 788 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los 22 y los 72 años de edad se aplicó la Escala de Valoración del Estilo de Vida Saludable Adquirido (E-VEVSA), formada por 52 ítems y estructurada en siete dimensiones, entre las cuales se evaluó el hábito de alimentación saludable, que explicó una varianza de 8,67 % sobre el total de la escala (66,87 %) y un alfa de Cronbach de 0,794 para un alfa total de 0,894. Resultados: el 16 % de los adultos encuestados posee hábitos de alimentación saludables; el 68,3 %, tendente hacia la salud; y el 15,7 %, poco saludables. Las pruebas de 2 de Pearson muestran una asociación positiva y significativa de las mujeres con hábitos saludables de alimentación y una mejora significativa con el transcurso de la edad. Los datos inferenciales (pruebas t de Student y ANOVA de un factor) confirman estas diferencias en función del sexo y la edad. Conclusiones: es necesario promover programas preventivos para la mejora de los hábitos de alimentación en la población adulta, sobre todo, en el 15,7 % que posee un nivel poco saludable de la alimentación en su estilo de vida.

Estado de Salud , Estilo de Vida , Adulto , Humanos , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Dieta Saludable , Conducta Alimentaria , Hábitos